Creating An Interactive Product Experience

Selling a new software product to has become increasingly challenging in this highly competitive market. 

You need to stand out in the sales process, and the best way to do this is with an interactive product experience. 

This enables your customers to experience your product in a form that is as close to the actual product as possible. This way, they can see its highlights and benefits. 

This article will guide you through what an interactive product experience is, its benefits, and the best ways to curate an epic interactive experience! 

Interactive Product Experience: What is it? 

An interactive product experience allows your customers to engage with your product before purchasing. They can experience your product, from start to finish, to get an idea of how works. 

This can be in the form of a demonstration that allows the customer to interact with your product, and get a realistic feel of it. 

This experience will highlight the key features of your product, and showcase how it will benefit your customer. Customers experiencing this can be existing clients or prospects. 

An interactive product experience is a fantastic sales strategy for product-led growth, as it quite literally puts the product into the customer’s hands, and lets it speak for itself. 

Benefits of an Interactive Product Experience

An interactive product experience has a range of benefits for your company. 

Firstly, it can improve existing customer satisfaction. When introducing new products within a brand, your customers are your most valuable critics. Getting them to experience the product, and then using their feedback constructively, allows you to adjust and personalize it to suit your target audience. 

It also works as a sales demo to increase sales conversions with new customers. Potential customers are given a clear idea of how the product works, and more importantly, how it can work for their needs. This makes it more likely that they will buy the product. 

Increased sales and customer satisfaction naturally lead to an increase in sales and revenue. This provides space and resources that will allow you to grow your brand in many ways, such as adding new products or product lines. 

Interactive Product Experience Ideas

Self-Guided Tour

If you want to let the customer get the lay of the land on their own, you can create a self-guided interactive experience that allows them to explore your product in the order and manner that they wish to do so. 

For example, on a software product, your customer can click around and look through the different features and functionalities at their own pace. The significant upside is that this gives them a feel of what it is to use the product, which helps them to imagine how it would fit into their daily operations. 

You can also add small pop-up messages or video tutorials that explain each function in more detail so that they can learn as they go. A handy marketing tool is creating a little character mascot that pops up on the page to explain things as they click on various areas. 

Linear Experience 

To keep things as simple as possible, you cannot go wrong with a linear product experience. 

This works particularly well with a system, product, or software that is more complex. If understanding the basics may already be a challenge for some customers, you do not want to complicate this further with a cluttered experience. This will have the opposite effect to the one you intended! 

A linear experience acts as a guiding hand through your product, working from the assumed start until the end. It walks the customer through the process, highlighting all relevant features and functions. 

For example, a linear product experience for a new software might provide a detailed tutorial for the customer on what happens from the moment they set up their account. It will guide them through the basic functions, and then touch on some of the ‘nice-to-have’ extras. 

Trial Period

Perhaps one of the most common interactive product experience methods, a trial period for a product is a simple yet highly effective way to draw in customers. 

This generally entails offering customers the opportunity to use your product, with all its features, for free for a designated period. For example, offering them access to a software platform for three months, with the first payment going off in the fourth month if they choose not to cancel it. 

This is a fantastic way to incentivize prospects to join in the first place, as they have nothing to lose from giving your product a try. Once they begin with it, and see the benefits, they are quite likely to continue past the free trial period. 


When it comes to effective and modern marketing, you will always benefit from a strong interactive product experience. Your potential and existing customers can see firsthand how your product will improve their business operations. 

An interactive product experience must be executed well to achieve high customer satisfaction and increased sales conversions. 

A live, personalized demo experience can be a key tool for creating interactive product experiences. Check out Saleo to see how your business can benefit from this platform today! 
